Specializing in Meeting the Unique Needs of Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation Lawyers
The IME Legal Rep fee is a file disbursement.

Protect Your Clients
During any IME, DME or NFE Exams:
Appellate Court Notes of "IME Legal Reps"
IME Legal Reps can be rebutted and disputed what the doctor claimed happened in the exam room
The court ruled that the materials (including the notes and reports created by the IME Legal Reps and which were the subject of the subpoena) were created in preparation for litigation. The court found that the IME Legal Reps was an agent of the plaintiff's attorneys, and therefore, the materials were protected under CPLR 3101(d)(2).

Who We Are
IME Legal Reps is a company created to equip plaintiffs' firms with ammunition against insurance companies and their hired physicians. We are a group of caring, trained professionals who will oversee and document the Insurance Medical Exam to protect your client's interests. IME Legal Reps delivers only the highest quality of service. The purpose of IME Legal Reps is to illustrate what really happened in the examination room through our detailed reports and to provide rebuttal testimony at trial.
Three Things You Should Know About IME

The Doctors Are Not Independent
The doctors are chosen and paid for by the insurance company. They have an incentive to minimize your injuries and provide an opinion that is more favorable for the insurance company.

Examinations Are Used to Deny Claims
If an insurance company has requested an IME, they are usually looking for a way to deny your claim. Dishonest IME decisions can be devastating for people hurt by the negligence of others.

You Can Be Represented at Your IME
Evidence of what the doctor did or didn't do during the examination may be needed to prove the examination was conducted unfairly. We take note of all relevant details.
What We Do

We'll Be There for You
Our trained professionals accompany your clients to their IME Exam, provide support, and explain that the doctor is representing the adverse party and is not there to provide treatment.

We Speak Your Language
Many non-English speaking claimants describe significant difficulty communicating with the IME doctors.